Specialty Classes

Monthly events and workshops

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Private Group Yoga Classes

Best of both worlds, this is a regular small group yoga class, but you determine who you practice with (your “pod”: family, friends, neighbors, colleagues,…people you feel safe and comfortable with) and the weekly day and time and location of the class (Indoor/outdoor/online options available). Please reach out for more details and pricing options.

Small Group Yoga Therapy Courses

Provides the detailed attention of a yoga therapy approach including an intake with a small group setting, a community building and economic option. 

  • In studio and online options available.

  • Typical class structure is three to five 60 minute classes, which include a personalized intake talk

Please reach out for more details and pricing options.

Yoga for Back Care

Back pain and discomfort are a widespread concern for people these days, and yoga can be an excellent tool to help you maintain and improve back health. Each practice will take your personal back health into consideration and as an added bonus you will receive simple but effective tips on how to incorporate yoga into your daily life to keep you back happy throughout the day.

Please reach out for more details and pricing options.

Yoga for Healthy Aging

Mobility, strength and balance of both body and mind are just getting more important as we age, at any age. Taking into account each participants personal goals and needs, this course will include utilizing gentle breath synchronized movement, safe and supported strengthening postures, balance practice, as well as breathing and meditation and last but not least fun.

Please reach out for more details and pricing options.

Reach out to learn more
