Why Private Yoga + Yoga Therapy?


Are you looking for a practice customized just for you?

I am passionate about designing a practice that acknowledges the whole of your being. Private sessions are perfect for you if you want yoga your way on your time. Each session includes follow-up practice materials so you can keep the good feeling going.

Skeptical about yoga? That’s great!

I love working with folks who are skeptical or who haven’t found yoga beneficial in the past but are looking for a fresh start. You are welcome here! I welcome the chance to become curious with you about what works for you…and what doesn’t. Together, we’ll find practices that feel good + make sense. You do not have the check your critical mind at the door to work with me. I love blending both the practical and the esoteric in ways that work best for each student I teach.

I love teaching those who can’t touch their toes.

Somewhere along the way, “yoga” became equivalent to “flexible.” I want the chance to show you that this is not true! Yoga is much more about practices that help you find freedom in both the mind and the body. That means that touching your toes is, well, not necessary at all.

Burned out + think you can’t add one more thing?

I get it. This is actually what brought me to yoga. Scheduling a session with me is a way to set aside time that is just for you. No other expectations or standards. Just you + your breath + your needs each time you come to practice. One day might be a more active practice and the next session might be entirely restorative. Come as you are.

I specialize in yoga for lymphedema, scoliosis, cardiac issues, and cancer.

If you are living with any of these conditions, the “standard” yoga class can feel uncomfortable or even be contraindicated for you. I am here to support you with practices that can complement your other health care. I work with evidenced-based yoga therapy strategies for these conditions so that you get exceptional complementary care.

What’s a yoga therapist? Is it like a talk therapist? Physical therapist?

Yoga therapy is different from both of these other types of therapy. As a yoga therapist, I’m more like your highly trained yoga coach. I am certified through the International Association of Yoga Therapists, who define yoga therapy as, “the professional application of the principles and practices of yoga to promote health and well-being within a therapeutic relationship that includes personalizes assessment, goal setting, lifestyle management, and yoga practices for individuals and small groups.”

